There is a sale in progress at AQS and everyone should know about it. So please pass the word if you know of anyone who can recognize a “GOOD DEAL”. It is called the AQS RARE, SPECIALTY, AND CLOSEOUT SALE. Of our eleven hundred active part numbers we have designated 282 as either rare; not found at many stores, like K-rain 24 volt timer motors, specialty, only good for specific applications, like 19 – 13 control wire,; or ready for closeout by AQS, like large diameter PVC pipe(2 ½ inch plus). All of these are included in this sale plus other items that already have been removed from our active list but which we still have some inventory on like water feature supplies and low voltage lighting items.

The discounts range from 60% to 80%, mostly about 75%. All discounts are based on minimum quantity purchases. Minimums vary from category to category.

Our entire inventory is also available at 75% off list if you want to buy it all. Buy the business too and get 80% off the inventory. Valuation on the business, not including inventory is $ 50,000.00.

Lots of options to think about in a sale like this, right?

***   The new normal includes a trend toward three-piece ladies swimsuits; a top, a bottom, and a face mask. How sexy can this world get, anyway? Is the suntan line right below the eyes now? And is it true that the China virus is just another big cover – up? Inquiring minds want to know!!

***   A cottage industry is born!  Retired folks, listen up. You may be among the most reliable sprinkler controllers on the market. Keeping the grass green is actually an obsession for many of us, yours truly included. And many of us have a lot of time on our hands these days. Why not put our passion to work for all of humanity? In a previous life of mine, when I owned a contracting company which did both mowing and sprinkler repairs a big service that we offered was to do a thorough check of the sprinkler system after each mowing. This was appreciated by most of our customers, especially the commercial accounts. And, it brought in some extra work for our sprinkler crews. And, most importantly, the net result was better looking, more consistently green lawns for the world to enjoy. I now have a few subdivisions (my customers) who have volunteer residents who take care of the common sprinkler systems that benefit all the residents. Many of these folks are retired guys who enjoy the challenge of keeping the world as green as possible. They do it for fun.

It has occurred to me that there are probably many such folks who would be willing to just observe the function of other people’s systems on a regular basis and report any problems that they might see. They could e-mail reports and recommend action and even refer people to companies who could fix problems. They could flag bad heads, or leaks, and inspect valves, controller programs and functions, and suggest adjustment changes or location changes on heads. They could troubleshoot problems and locate lost valves with the help of an electronic locater (available for rent at AQS).  Each individual could create their own list of services and AQS could serve as a broker, bringing sprinkler owners and retired people looking for trouble together.

Submit your name, phone # and e-mail handle to this website to get on the list. And if you are a sprinkler owner who does not have time or motivation to inspect your own sprinklers on a regular basis you can also sign up the same way. We will try to match folks up according to needs, geography, and such. —— Let it be known that “Senior Green Services” is thus conceived.

***   AQS just got in a shipment of an improved version of ¼” vinyl tubing (that is drip, or spaghetti tubing for you drip irrigation enthusiasts) What is improved about it, you may ask? It has a much thicker wall thickness. The outside diameter is probably twice as wide as the old stuff. We are hearing a lot of complaints this season about squirrels and other animals chewing holes in the above grade portions of some drip systems. Actually, I have had these problems at my own home this spring, and a little bit for the last few years. This thicker tubing should at least make it take longer for the animals to chew their way thru. And that will give you more time to load your pellet gun.

We also are now stocking that ¼ “tubing in both black and a nice tan color which should blend in better with your river rock in those flower beds.

Happy sprinkling this summer and fall

Darrell AQS Jones